Customer Service (Mon-Fri / 8-5): 877-723-7823 is the web's leading job board for physician, healthcare & nursing jobs. Our site is tailored specifically for posting job opportunities and positions in every medical specialty such as FM, IM, EM, and many others.

I've used Medworking for many years, with great results! Flex Post has always been a plus, as we could cross-post jobs in other specialties on their related sites. Keep up the great work!
Chris Swab
Vice President, Locum Tenens
All-Star Recruiting

About Physician Jobs offers a comprehensive nationwide job board for physicians and healthcare professionals seeking perm or locum tenen placements. Finding the right practice opportunity in the right location can be a difficult process for the busy physician, MedWorking can help.

Since 1997 MedWorking has been leading the recruitment industry by providing niche job boards for select medical specialties. MedWorking's strong presence in specialties such as Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Emergency Medicine, provides high quality job content with no additional portal or industry information. This guarantees the most relevant and qualified job traffic and the best employment resource for YOUR specialty!